RN Laurissa Finna
Injecting Clinician
(RN. UOW Australia)
Years as a Registered Nurse:
22 years
Nursing specialty:
Midwifery and Cosmetic Nursing
Total years of Cosmetic Injecting:
5 years 11 months*
Time injecting at Skin Revival:
5 years 11 months*
Total treatments performed at Skin Revival:
Total practical training sessions completed at Skin Revival:
iGain Galderma online training:
Completed Feb 2021 99%
Favourite treatments:
Advanced PDO COG Threads
AHPRA Registration: NMW0001336442
*as of 01/02/2024

Laurissa commenced her nursing career at Wollongong Hospital as a midwife, and developed a passion for aesthetic industry after noticing the advanced treatments available. Her experience, enthusiasm and client care standards have positioned her to be highly-sought after in her field of practice, visiting clinics up and down the South Coast to inject.
Laurissa has a very detailed knowledge of facial aesthetics and injecting techniques. She aims for a natural aesthetic for her clients, and believes in wholistic as well as clinically effective treatments to develop a successful treatment plan, individually tailored to her clients.
Laurissa regularly attends seminars and workshops to keep up to date with current trends in the industry, so that she can recommend the best injecting strategies to reach your desired appearance goals.
She also has a passion for educating clients in understanding how to create healthy skin and age positively.

RN Laurissa Finna
Injecting Clinician
(RN. UOW Australia)
Years as a Registered Nurse:
22 years
Nursing specialty:
Midwifery and Cosmetic Nursing
Total years of Cosmetic Injecting:
5 years 11 months*
Time injecting at Skin Revival:
5 years 11 months*
Total treatments performed at Skin Revival:
Total practical training sessions completed at Skin Revival:
iGain Galderma online training:
Completed Feb 2021 99%
Favourite treatments:
Advanced PDO COG Threads
AHPRA Registration: NMW0001336442
*as of 01/02/2024
Laurissa commenced her nursing career at Wollongong Hospital as a midwife, and developed a passion for aesthetic industry after noticing the advanced treatments available. Her experience, enthusiasm and client care standards have positioned her to be highly-sought after in her field of practice, visiting clinics up and down the South Coast to inject.
Laurissa has a very detailed knowledge of facial aesthetics and injecting techniques. She aims for a natural aesthetic for her clients, and believes in wholistic as well as clinically effective treatments to develop a successful treatment plan, individually tailored to her clients.
Laurissa regularly attends seminars and workshops to keep up to date with current trends in the industry, so that she can recommend the best injecting strategies to reach your desired appearance goals.
She also has a passion for educating clients in understanding how to create healthy skin and age positively.