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At Skin Revival, we understand that no two skins are the same.

If you have a specific problem you wish to address, our clinicians will work to ensure you get the best results possible. Our customised treatment plans are designed around you. Each factor depends on your skin condition, your time-frame, I.E. when you would like to see an improvement, and your budget.

All Skin Analysis treatment plans start with an initial consultation where the above will be discussed with your skin clinician.

For initial consultations it is vital that you arrive at your appointment with a clean face, ideally free of make-up, and bring a list of all products you are currently using on your skin as well as a list of any medications or supplements you are currently taking. This will help the clinician establish the condition of your skin and what may be aggravating it. The clinican will then write up a program for you which is suited to your budget and timeline, and will be flexible around your lifestyle. This plan can always be amended if something unexpected arises.